Tuesday 26 February 2013

Photographing The Shard is easy. Taking a unique and interesting photograph however, is a challenge and it's a challenge that I'm quite willing to take on over the coming year. 
I'm starting with this:

It's got humour which I like. It's dramatic which is a mandatory requirement, and a smattering of architectural juxtaposition not to be sniffed at.

This reminded me of a competition I read about in Time Out recently that has been rattling around my head ever since. It was asking readers to submit a cover image that defined London for them. Well, this does it for me. When once it was Big Ben, it's now The Shard.

So, I did this and sent it off to them...

Worried that they would think I did some simple Photoshop jiggerypokery, I also attached the Googlemap street view of the exact location. How different things looked in 2008.

Yesterday I took the day off work. Not working on a Monday is a luxury beyond words. Not that I spent it in bed, oh no. 

First stop: The Shard. I think its one of the most impressive buildings to have pierced the London skyline in recent time. It's £25 well spent in my view. And what a view. Not just from building but IN it.   




If you can't beat 'em. Join 'em. Its taken a while but here's my Blog.

It's going to be more visual than my written drivel.

It'll contain my observations about London predominantly, accidental visuals, and my own sketches.

Some key words that will become the backbone structure of my posts are:








Intro over. Let's get started. 

Oh, and feel free to add your comments. Might make it worth reading!