Sunday 11 May 2014

If Seville was a Pantone...

The thing that hit me straight away when I arrived in Seville apart from the heat, was the colour. Everything was so intense. The cloudless sky helps but Seville has its own colour scheme. I took loads of photos and as I scrolled through them on my computer when I got home I saw its colour stream through every photo. Here is a random selection to show what I mean.

Two overwhelming colours of Seville are a golden yellow and a deep blood red. In Pantone terms, which is generally how I like to think when it comes to colour, Seville is:

Pantone 1235* 

Pantone 180*

[*apologies for obvious lack of colour reproduction on screen!]

These colours are clearly reflected in Spanish culture, especially Andalucia and Seville in particular. The yellow is the sun, the opulence of gold in the thousands of Catholic churches, the stone and architecture, the oranges and all varieties of rich golden sherry. The red is the fiery passion and 'duende' seen during flamenco dances and flamboyant costumes, the blood spilled by the toro during the bull fighting season and the relentless intense heat. And of course the Spanish flag, I now realise, is red and yellow for good reason. An impressive place full of inspiration. I'm really falling for Spain.