Sunday 30 March 2014

Back to life drawing

In a bid to escape being stuck to a computer for most of my day, I've decided to get back to my drawing roots and have joined a life drawing class. There is something refreshingly primal about life drawing. 

Charcoal - paper - nude - DRAW 

I was a bit late and the session was in progress when I stumbled in, tripping over stools, trying to plonk myself on the first available chair that would cause least disruption, faffing around with paper, drawing board, apologising and scrabbling in my cycle bag for my new box of charcoal (newly bought from an art shop that brought back nostalgic memories of first term at art school) sweating as it was boiling - fan heater belting out to keep the model warm, fine charcoal - paper - nude....PANIC. 

Two things: 

1 - ohmygodthereisafithungnakedmanstandingtwofeetawayfromme

2-  ohmygodIcan'tdraw 

I don't care what anyone says - those two things (or variations of) will cross a newby life drawer's mind before charcoal touches the paper. But a deep breath and a series of 5 minute poses focused me and I racked my brain for the rules of proportion I'd learned at art college. 

It wasn't a disaster, moderately happy with a few drawings but I loved it. It's good to empty your head of daily dross and focus on something creative. I'll be back.